Comic Lab

Guigar's Law of merchandise

Episode Summary

Webcomics pros Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar are talking comics! In this episode, Brad makes another lasting contribution to webcomics: Guigar's Law — The first person to comment that they'd buy a certain type of merchandise is the first person to disappear when the merch is offered!

Episode Notes

Webcomics pros Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar are talking comics! In this episode, Brad makes another lasting contribution to webcomics: Guigar's Law — The first person to comment that they'd buy a certain type of merchandise is the first person to disappear when the merch is offered!

BUT FIRST, Brad and Dave fondly remember comic-convention cosplay.

Show Notes

Launching your Patreon
Here's a helpful guide to all of the ComicLab episodes with advice on launching your Patreon. See the Show Notes for each episode to see where we start talking about the topic you're looking for. Remember, of course, the Golden Rule of Crowdfunding from last week's Lightning Round: Build an audience first. It's right there in the word — you have to have a crowd before you can have funding.